Development of a Problem-Solving Learning Model Based on Local Wisdom for Junior High School Students in Sidrap

  • Jusrianto Jala Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang
Keywords: : local wisdom, problem-solving learning model, mathematics education, junior high school, Sidrap


This study aims to develop a problem-solving learning model based on local wisdom for junior high school students in Sidrap. The objectives of the research include: (1) designing a prototype of the learning model; (2) developing supporting materials such as lesson plans, student worksheets, and teacher guides; and (3) validating the model to ensure its suitability with students’ characteristics and educational goals. The study adopts the 4D model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate) to systematically design and evaluate the learning model and its accompanying materials.In the first year, the research focuses on the Define and Design stages, involving a needs analysis to identify students’ educational and cultural contexts, as well as the characteristics of teaching materials. A collaborative approach is used to develop the prototype, including field studies, literature reviews, teamwork in designing the model, and expert validation. These steps ensure that the learning model incorporates the values of local wisdom relevant to the Sidrap community and aligns with the objectives of mathematics education.The initial results indicate that the prototype of the learning model and its materials meet the criteria of "validity" based on expert evaluations. The model effectively integrates local wisdom into problem-solving activities, making mathematics learning more relevant and meaningful for students. By embedding cultural elements into the curriculum, the model fosters critical and creative thinking while enhancing students' appreciation of their cultural heritage.

This research contributes to educational innovation by combining mathematics learning with local wisdom, addressing gaps in traditional teaching methods. The findings have significant implications for improving students’ problem-solving skills and promoting character education rooted in cultural values. Future stages will involve empirical testing to refine the model and expand its applicability to broader educational settings.


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