Call for Paper


Cakrawala Indonesia is accredited as a rank 4 national journal (Sinta 4) based on the decision of the General Director of Strengthening Research and Management, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 204/E/KPT/2022. The status of Cakrawala Indonesia accreditation is valid from Volume 5 Number 1 2020 until Volume 9 Number 2 of 2024.

Call for Paper

Dewan redaksi Cakrawala Indonesia mengundang para peneliti, akademisi, dan praktisi untuk memberikan konstribusi dalam bentuk naskah hasil penelitian dalam bidang pendidikan bahasa dan sastra Indonesia yang akan diterbitkan pada jurnal Cakrawala Indonesia yang diterbitkan dua kali setahun pada Bulan Mei dan Nopember. Kirim artikel sekarang

 Focus and Scope

Linguistics; phonology, morphology, syntax, discourse analysis, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, and critical discourse analysis. 

Literature: local literature studies, Indonesian literature, foreign literature studies, children literature, literature studies for character education, and other literature studies. 

Indonesian Language Teaching:curriculum development, learning methods, learning materials, learning media, assessment, Indonesian language learning across curricula, information and communications technology in Indonesian language learning, language skills, and other Indonesian language learning analyses. 

The editorial board would like to receive manuscripts submitted via online submission system. Make sure that the manuscripts meet the scope and submission guidelines of the journal. For more detailed information, please refer to the terms and conditions of Cakrawala Indonesia.

Vol 8 No 2, November 2023 (deadline 15 September 2023)

Vol 9 No 1, Mei 2024 (deadline 15 Maret 2024)
Vol 9 No 2, November 2024 (deadline 15 September 2024)

Vol 10 No 1, Mei 2025 (deadline 15 Maret 2025)
Vol 10 No 2, November 2025 (deadline 15 September 2024)