The The Relationship Between Lactation Period With Colostrum Age And Colostrum Fat Content Of FH (Friesian Holstein) At Kpsp Setia Kawan, Pasuruan

The Relationship Between Lactation Period With Colostrum Age And Colostrum Fat Content Of FH (Friesian Holstein) At Kpsp Setia Kawan, Pasuruan

  • Livia Dwi Anggriana Universitas Brawijaya
  • Puguh Surjowardojo Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Brawijaya Malang
Keywords: Keywords: Colostrum, lactation period, colostrum age, fat


Colostrum is the milk secreted by the mother cow on the first day until the fourth day of milking after giving birth so
that it becomes the main food for the calf. The decrease in the milk production of dairy cows is in line with the increase
in the lactation period. The effect of lactation period and colostrum age on colostrum fat content needs to be
investigated because many small farmers do not understand the importance of colostrum for calves, especially
colostrum fat content. The research location is in the Cattle Farming Cooperative. Dairy (KPSP) Faithful Friend. Dairy
cows used were 23 FH cows with a sample of 115 samples with 3 lactation periods (1,2,3) and 1,2,3,4,5 milking days.
The method used is the case study method and sampling with purposive sampling. The variables used were lactation
period, age and colostrum fat. data were analyzed using simple linear regression and correlation then analyzed using
descriptive results. The relationship between lactation period and colostrum fat content is Y 7.43 + 0.03X, which means
that every increase of 1 lactation period will result in an increase in colostrum fat content of 0.03%. With a correlation
coefficient (r) of 0.013 and a determination coefficient (R2) of 0.01%. while the average age of colostrum with the
highest colostrum fat content on the first day was 8.79 while the smallest fat content on the fifth day was 5.85. Based
on the results of the study it can be concluded that lactation period is not associated with the highest colostrum fat
content on day 1 and the lowest on day 5.
Keywords: Colostrum, lactation period, colostrum age, fat


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How to Cite
Anggriana, L., & Surjowardojo, P. (2023). The The Relationship Between Lactation Period With Colostrum Age And Colostrum Fat Content Of FH (Friesian Holstein) At Kpsp Setia Kawan, Pasuruan. Jurnal Sains Dan Teknologi Industri Peternakan, 3(2), 26-33.

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