Radio: Education and Development

  • Sheik Mohamed.S.H Department of Electronic Media, St. Thomas College of Arts and Science,India
  • M. Nirmala 1Department of Electronic Media,St.Thomas College of Arts and Science,Chennai,India.
  • D. Rajkamal Department of Electronic Media,St.Thomas College of Arts and Science,Chennai,India
  • Sam Hermansyah University of Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang
Keywords: Radio, Development, Education, Challenges, Society


The study investigates the function of radio in educational advancement, specifically addressing its efficacy, obstacles, potential in isolated and rural regions, and recommendations for enhancement. The utilisation of radio is crucial for facilitating educational advancement, especially in regions that have restricted access to resources. It has been utilised to provide instruction on subjects such as reading and writing skills, mathematical abilities, health awareness, and job-related skills. Interactive Radio Instruction  initiatives have demonstrated substantial effectiveness in improving educational outcomes. The prospects for radio in educational development are good, particularly with the emergence of new technology. By integrating radio with digital platforms such as mobile phones and the internet, its reach and effectiveness can be enhanced. Integrating radio broadcasts with face-to-face instruction, internet materials, and community-based learning can offer a more holistic educational experience.

Radio plays a vital function in emergency situations, guaranteeing the continuation of instruction. Nevertheless, consistent investment and rigorous content quality control are needed in order to tackle challenges such as inadequate funding, technical constraints, and variable audience engagement. An illustrative counterexample to the efficacy of radio in teaching can be observed in areas with restricted electrical availability or stringent regulations on radio frequencies, which make the technology unavailable to specific people. Moreover, in regions with low literacy rates, radio broadcasts may fail to properly transmit instructional content to individuals who lack reading and writing skills.
