In general, this research aims to boost reading comprehension study using a narrative approach to the creative process simulation models at class XI MIPA2 . Specifically this study aims to: Increasing the activity of a class XI MIPA 2 for student in the learning SMAN 28 Bone of narrative reading comprehension through the use of process simulation model creative approach. Improve student learning outcomes in teaching reading comprehension through the use of a narrative approach to the creative process simulation models at class XI MIPA2. Based on the analysis of the learning activities of students in reading comprehension in the first cycle, it was concluded that the achievement of the learning activities of students in reading comprehension through the use of process simulation model creative approach average Enough (65.23%). This is evident from the indicator appears, either at the stage of pre-reading, while reading and post-reading stage. Based on the results of the data analysis cycle I do reflection. Reflection on learning to read in understanding had done using a simulation model of the creative process approach. The data indicate that the activity of the teacher and the student learning process needs to be improved. This is consistent with the observation by observation format for teachers and students. Efforts is necessary to motivate teachers so that students are motivated to respond to the learning provided by the teacher. Based on the analysis of the learning activities of students in reading comprehension in the second cycle, it was concluded that the achievement of students in a learning activity descriptions based on the application essay writing process approach to simulation model of creative good average (75.40%). This is evident from the indicator that appears, either at the stage of pre-reading, while reading, and post-reading stage. Based on the results of the second cycle of data analysis done reflection. Reflection made to pemebelajaran reading comprehension using process simulation model creative approach. Efforts are made teacher is need to improve on the current stage of learning reading and post-reading stage. The above data can be explained that the learning outcomes of students reading comprehension class average score 82.43 with 93.33% percentage of mastery learning. The percentages are in excellent qualifications. Data shows that 14 students scored Very Good, 14 students got good grades (good), and 2 students scored Include, the third cycle is no longer there students in categories of less or less once, thus there are only 2 people capable students under either category. Thus there are 2 people or 6.66% of students capable students under either category. Actual outcomes in the learning progress compared with the achievement of results at the previous meeting. Thus the success of data researchers in the learning process, according to the observations through format signs analysis of teaching and learning activities In the third cycle has shown an increase from the previous cycle. Based on the reflection is done, then the acquisition of the data will be displayed in the figure below, which shows the progress of student achievement in reading comprehension learning through the application of process simulation model creative approach on Indonesian subjects who started on pra-action, first cycle, second cycle, and the cycle III
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