Ogi : English Language Journal2025-02-25T07:57:28+00:00Dr. Sam Hermansyah, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.sam.hermansyah82@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>La Ogi is English Language Journal. It </strong>is a peer-reviewed scientific open access journal, with p-ISSN 2460-4739 and e-ISSN 2745-9233. It has been published since 2017 by the Department of English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang. <strong> La Ogi </strong>is issued semiannually: in <strong>January </strong>and<strong> July</strong>.</p> <p> </p> NADU AND INDONESIA FOOD CULTURE: A COMPARATIVE STUDY2025-01-02T14:02:30+00:00Dr Nirmala Masilalamaninirmalasaravanan1012@gmail.comDr. Sam Hermansyahsam.hermansyah82@gmail.comDr. Sheik Mohamed<h2><em>This study explores the food cultures of Tamil Nadu, India, and Indonesia, focusing on traditional food practices, cultural significance, and social functions. Through a comparative qualitative research approach, this study analyses how food in both regions reflects cultural identity, religious beliefs, and social values. By examining food-related rituals, ingredients, cooking methods, and social customs, this article highlights the ways in which food practices serve as cultural expressions that contribute to community bonding and cultural preservation. The study also examines the impact of globalization on food culture in both Tamil Nadu and Indonesia.</em></h2>2025-01-02T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PRONUNCIATION SKILLS THROUGH PHONETIC SYMBOLS: A CASE STUDY AT THE ENGLISH COURSE IN SIDRAP2025-01-18T02:38:26+00:00Roni Roniauliaroni86@gmail.comIbrahim Ibrahimibrahimstikes@gmail.comSunandar Sunandarsunandar@gmail.comBaharuddin<p>This study explores the effectiveness of teaching pronunciation through phonetic symbols at The English Course in Sidrap. The research aims to describe the instructional process, assess student responses, and identify tutor strategies for overcoming pronunciation challenges. A qualitative descriptive approach was employed, using interviews, observations, documentation, and questionnaires for data collection. The findings reveal that the course utilized a direct method combined with a reading aloud technique, supported by tools such as whiteboards, speakers, Oxford dictionaries, and module books. Students faced challenges with mother tongue interference, particularly in distinguishing vowel sounds. However, the incorporation of phonetic symbols, motivational strategies, and interactive techniques, such as songs, contributed to a positive learning experience. Tutors addressed difficulties by providing additional support materials and motivational strategies. The study concludes that teaching pronunciation using phonetic symbols can significantly improve learners' pronunciation skills when combined with engaging teaching strategies and continuous evaluation.</p>2025-01-18T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## INTERFERENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA APPLICATIONS ON MOTHER LANGUAGE IN SOUTH SULAWESI2025-02-05T16:21:07+00:00Firman -<h2><strong>The development of digital technology, especially social media applications, has brought significant changes in language use. One of the linguistic phenomena that has emerged is diction interference, which is the mixing of vocabulary from the language used in social media applications into the speaker's mother tongue. This study aims to identify the forms of diction interference that occur in everyday communication, analyze the factors that cause it, and examine its impact on the sustainability of the mother tongue. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and document analysis. The results of the survey show that diction interference occurs in various forms, such as direct adoption of foreign vocabulary, changes in meaning, and mixing of grammatical structures influenced by the language in social media applications. The main factors causing this phenomenon include the intensity of social media use, the dominance of global languages in the digital world, and perceptions of modernity and practicality in communication. The impacts include changes in language patterns in everyday conversation, strengthening diglossia, and the potential for weakening the ability to speak the mother tongue purely. This study emphasizes that although diction interference is part of linguistic dynamics, efforts to preserve the mother tongue still need to be made to maintain the balance between language adaptation and cultural identity.</strong></h2>2025-02-05T16:21:07+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## IN DIGITAL COMMUNICATION: AN ANALYSIS OF TEXT MESSAGE USAGE IN CLASS GROUPS BY GENERATION Z IN HIGHER EDUCATION2025-02-10T16:22:04+00:00Nila<p>This study investigates the use of digital communication in academic settings, specifically focusing on WhatsApp group chats among English Education students at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (Unihaz), HIMABI 2024. The research analyzes the patterns of language use in chat messages, exploring the prevalence of informal language features such as abbreviations, emojis, and code-switching between Indonesian and English. The study also examines student perceptions regarding the impact of these language features on communication efficiency, clarity, and the overall academic atmosphere. The results reveal that informal language enhances engagement, fosters a supportive learning environment, and mitigates barriers to communication. However, the overuse of informal elements such as abbreviations and emojis can sometimes cause misunderstandings, particularly for students unfamiliar with these conventions. The study highlights the need for a balance between informality and academic rigor in digital communication. It concludes that while informal language serves an important role in student collaboration, educators should guide students in maintaining clarity and inclusivity in academic contexts</p>2025-01-28T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Grammar: Making Rules Fun in the Digital Age2025-02-25T07:57:28+00:00Dr. Prashant S.<h2><em>This research paper focuses on creating new and innovative ways to gamify grammar instruction to promote student engagement and learning outcomes in the age of digital imperialism. However, traditional methods of teaching grammar often result in a lack of student engagement and stress. Gamification is the integration of competition, rewards, or immersive storytelling into grammar lessons, where the technique can be used to enhance grammar lessons as a way to motivate and retain students. The purpose of this paper is to review the existing literature on gamification in education, review different gamified tools and platforms, and provide case studies that show successful implementation in different educational contexts. Further, it discusses the issues and limitations of gamifying grammar and the related issues and technological barriers to gamification. Overall, this study recommends integrating gamified approaches to grammar instruction and theorising that gamification can change the grammar instruction process into a more engaging and entertaining business for students.</em></h2>2025-01-28T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##