La Ogi : English Language Journal 2024-09-02T13:55:26+00:00 Dr. Sam Hermansyah, S.Pd.I., M.Pd. Open Journal Systems <p><strong>La Ogi is English Language Journal. It&nbsp;</strong>is a peer-reviewed scientific open access journal, with &nbsp;p-ISSN 2460-4739 and e-ISSN 2745-9233. It has been published since 2017 by the Department of English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang. <strong>&nbsp;La Ogi&nbsp;</strong>is issued semiannually: in <strong>January </strong>and<strong> July</strong>.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> TECHNIQUE TRANSLATION GATHERING POETRY "THERE ISN'T ANY NEW YORK BY M. AAN MANSYUR 2024-07-22T04:45:16+00:00 Nadika Karunia Fauziah Ika Sari Dewi <h2><strong><em>Translation of literary works has its own complexity and difficulties when compared to the translation of scientific texts. One example of a literary work is poetry. Poems that contain many meanings and figurative words must of course be translated well so that they can be understood by the target reader. This study aims to find out the translation techniques used in the collection of poems No New York Today by M. Aan Mansyur translated by John H Mcglynn into English. The The research method used in this study is qualitative research. The data analysis process in this research used five stages. The results of this study show that the technique used in the translation of M. Aan Mansyur's poems entitled "No New York Today" and "I Never Really Go Home" by John H Mcglynn from Indonesian to English is the usual modulation, establish equivalence, and adaptation</em></strong></h2> 2024-07-01T02:21:24+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## ANALYSIS OF CODE-MIXING USAGE IN THE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING COMMUNITY: A SOCIOLINGUISTIC STUDY 2024-07-22T04:45:16+00:00 Andi Permana Ika Sari Dewi <h2>This research aims to investigate code mixing that occurs in the mechanical engineering community. There are two main focuses in this research: the reasons that influence code mixing and the translation techniques used as well as the causes if code mixing is not possible in certain situations. This research method is a qualitative descriptive method with an interactional sociolinguistic approach. Data sources are WhatsApp social media conversation transcripts, post-hoc interviews, and discourse analysis. The research results show that code mixing is carried out by speakers against their interlocutors because they discuss certain topics and quote other people. Participants often use English terms in technical conversations because they are more common and specific than their Indonesian equivalents, so communication becomes smoother and more effective. Apart from that, the use of code mixing is also shaped by the norms and habits formed in a multilingual work environment. The translation methods used by participants are semantic and communicative. This study provides insight into linguistic dynamics within the mechanical engineering community and highlights the importance of understanding the social and linguistic factors that influence communication in professional contexts. This study did not analyze translation effectiveness in detail due to data limitations. Therefore, this research also suggests that the object of further research be expanded to include more translation techniques and more comprehensive discourse analysis</h2> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Translation Method In Siroh Sahabiyah Video Transcript "Zaynab Bint Muhammad SAW: The First Daughter RA" By Dr. Omar suleiman 2024-07-22T04:45:16+00:00 Farah Fairuz Fitriani ika Sari Dewi <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode penerjemahan yang yang digunakan dalam transkrip video siroh sahabiyah Zaynab bint Muhammad SAW: the first daughter RA oleh Dr. Omar Sulaeman. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis isi yang difokuskan kepada objek penelitian. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah transkrip video siroh sahabiyah Zaynab bint Muhammad SAW: the first daughter RA oleh Dr. Omar Sulaeman. Teknik analisis data meliputi 1) Mendengarkan dan menonton video story telling Dr. Omar Suleiman beserta transkrip dalam video, 2) Memilah transkrip yang akan diterjemahkan sesuai transkrip yang telah disediakan di website, 3) Menerjemahkan pilihan transkrip yang dipilih ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, 4) Analisis metode penerjemahan dengan menggunakan teori Newmark, 5) Evaluasi hasil penerjemahan. Hasil penelitian menujukkan terdapat 6 metode penerjemahan newmark dalam penerjemahan transkrip video siroh sahabiyah Zaynab bint Muhammad SAW: the first daughter RA oleh Dr. Omar Sulaeman diantanya: metode penerjemahan bebas, setia, semantis, harfiah, kata per kata dan adaptasi. Dari keenam metode yang digunakan metode penerjemahan bebas menjadi metode yang paling banyak digunakan karena dapat menyesuaikan bahasa dan budaya serta target pembaca.</p> 2024-07-03T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Examining the Effects of Cultural Context on Consumer Behavior 2024-07-22T04:45:16+00:00 Firman - Saleh sam Hermansyah <p><em>&nbsp;Culture is a symbol as well as complex facts and symbols made by humans, passed down from generation to generation as determinants and regulators of human behavior in existing society. Cultural settings can be defined as multidimensional which plays an important role in every individual such as forming attitudes, beliefs, and individual behavior. Culture can be said as a comprehensive concept, and includes almost everything that influences the thinking process and individual behavior. This culture can be formed through classification based on certain categories such as nationality, religion, racial group, and geographical location. This study discusses matters such as the following, cultural Influences on purchasing decisions, dimension of culture, current trends in consumer culture, the influence of myths on marketing in the modern age, and the influence of a group or individual mode system.</em></p> 2024-07-03T15:29:19+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## SEMANTIC ANALYSIS IN TRANSLATING CULTURAL ELEMENTS IN THE NOVEL "PACHINKO" BY MIN JIN LEE 2024-07-22T04:45:17+00:00 Gema Pertiwi Ika Sari Dewi <p><em>&nbsp; Semantic analysis is a study that explores meaning in language, whether in the form of words, phrases, sentences, or entire texts. This academic work is presented to analyze the translation.. This research aims to analyze the translation of cultural elements in the novel "Pachinko" by Min Jin Lee through a qualitative approach. The main source of data is the novel "Pachinko" itself, which contains representations of complex cultural elements. The data analysis technique used is Word Analysis, that is, Semantic Analysis can find words and phrases related to character changes, such as "identity," "citizenship," "discrimination," and "crisis," and then Idea Analysis, that is, Semantic Analysis can find ideas and concepts related to character changes, such as "generation," "immigration," and "downturn". Thus, this analysis can help understand how character changes are related to how the characters in the novel interact with their environment and how they face challenges. The cultural elements in this novel are analyzed using a Referential approach and it is found 45%, an Ideasional approach 25%. Then the Behavioral approach 13%, and also a Pragmatic approach 17%.</em></p> 2024-07-04T08:32:14+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Influence Pattern Foster People Old And Attitude Language To Reading Ability Understanding 2024-07-22T04:45:17+00:00 Sam Hermansyah . Agus Hambing Muh Dirga Mubaroq <p>This study aims to determine (1) the influence of parents' parenting styles and language attitudes collectively on reading comprehension abilities; and (2) the influence of parents' parenting styles and language attitudes individually on reading comprehension abilities. This research employs a quantitative approach with a descriptive method. Data collection was conducted using questionnaires and objective tests. Questionnaires were used to gather data on parents' parenting styles and language attitudes, while objective tests were used to collect data on reading comprehension abilities. The sample for this study consisted of 69 students. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics and regression analysis techniques. The results of the study indicate that (1) there is a positive and significant influence of parents' parenting styles and language attitudes collectively on the reading comprehension abilities of seventh-grade students at SMP Negeri 1 Maiwa, amounting to 85.5%; and (2) there is a positive and significant influence of parenting styles on reading comprehension abilities amounting to 38.7%, and the influence of language attitudes on reading comprehension abilities is 10.2%. These findings suggest that both good parenting styles and positive language attitudes contribute significantly to students' reading comprehension abilities. Parenting styles provide a greater contribution compared to language attitudes in enhancing students' reading comprehension skills.</p> 2024-07-16T03:31:23+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## An Analysis of the Contemporary Use of Film as A Medium for Investigating Social Issues 2024-07-22T04:45:17+00:00 Sheik Mohamed.S.H M. Nirmala S Elango <p>The study reveals that movies that address social issues can increase awareness and spark discussion among viewers. This can lead to increased empathy towards marginalised communities and a greater understanding of complex societal problems. Furthermore, these films have the potential to inspire individuals to take action and advocate for change in their communities. In this way, cinema serves as a powerful tool for social change and activism. Films can influence audiences and bring about social change, expediting justice and encouraging action against issues like farmers' and environmental problems. The success of films like Ketika Mas Gagah Pergi, Tanda Tanya, Uriyadi, Thanga Magal, Tolet, Thaneer Thannee, Kaththi, Karuthamma, Pariyerum Perumal, and Merkku Thotarchi Malai can significantly impact society. These movies shed light on various social issues such as water scarcity, farmer suicides, caste discrimination, and environmental degradation. Thaneer Thanneer is a Tamil movie that exposes the hardships of poor villages and corrupt politicians, inspiring people to fight for their rights. By portraying these issues on the big screen, filmmakers are able to reach a wide audience and create a platform for dialogue and action. Through the power of storytelling, these films have the potential to not only entertain but also educate and inspire viewers to take a stand and work towards positive change in society. Socially conscious films such as Thaneer Thannee and others have the power to spark social movements and bring about real-world change, which cannot be underestimated</p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE STUDENTS’ ERROR IN PRONOUNCING ENGLISH CONSONANTS SOUNDS AT SMP 1 MUARO JAMBI 2024-07-22T04:45:17+00:00 Adang Ridwan <p>The aim of this study was to investigate students’ error in pronouncing English consonants sounds at eight grade students of SMP 1 Muaro Jambi. This is qualitative research, the research employing pronunciation test and interviews to collect data and data analysis in this research was descriptive analysis. The result of the study showed that there are four kinds of students’ error in pronouncing English consonants sounds at eight grade students of SMP 1 Muaro Jambi in the academic year of 2023/2024, they are omission is caused the incomplete application of rule, Addition is caused by the ignorance of rule restriction, Misformation is caused by the overgeneralization and Misordering is caused by the false concept hypothesized</p> 2024-07-22T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementation And Evaluation Of The Bilingual Program For Eighth-Grade Students At MTSN 1 Sidrap 2024-07-23T01:14:00+00:00 Sumarlin Rengko HR Sam Hermansyah <p>This study investigates the implementation and evaluation of the bilingual program for eighth-grade students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Sidrap (MTSN). As globalization intensifies, bilingual education is becoming increasingly vital in preparing students for future academic and professional challenges. This research focuses on how the bilingual program is integrated into the curriculum at MTSN, with particular emphasis on its effectiveness in enhancing students' proficiency in both Indonesian and English.The study employs a mixed-methods approach to evaluate the program's impact. Quantitative data were collected through standardized language proficiency tests and academic performance records, while qualitative insights were gathered from interviews with educators, students, and parents. The research aims to assess the program's success in improving language skills, examine any challenges encountered during implementation, and provide recommendations for program enhancement.</p> <p>Preliminary findings suggest that the bilingual program has positively impacted students' language proficiency and academic performance. However, challenges such as insufficient teacher training and resource limitations were identified. The study underscores the importance of continuous evaluation and adaptation to address these challenges and enhance the program's effectiveness.This research contributes to the broader discourse on bilingual education by providing empirical evidence on the implementation and impact of bilingual programs in a specific educational context. The insights gained from this study are expected to inform policy decisions and practice in bilingual education, particularly in similar educational settings.</p> 2024-07-23T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## UNVEILING LINGUISTIC PATTERNS: A MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF COMPOUND WORDS IN "THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER" BY STEPHEN CHBOSKY 2024-07-31T12:10:09+00:00 Andrias Yulianto Agnechia Friska Rivalny Sheren Angel Nayoan Juvelman Harefa <p>English compound words have a significant impact on the language's structure and lexicon. This research paper focuses on conducting a morphological analysis of compound words in the novel "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky. The methodology includes identifying compound words in the text, analyzing their components, categorizing them based on their types, and exploring the semantic relationships between the constituent parts. A qualitative analysis was conducted to interpret the role of compound words in enhancing the narrative and conveying subtle nuances of meaning. This study identified a total of 100 compound words categorized into three types: 91 compound nouns, 4 compound verbs, and 5 compound adjectives. These compounds exhibit specific patterns of lexical categories. Specifically, there are 72 words comprising noun + noun (NN), 2 words comprising adjective + adjective (AA), 5 words comprising verb + noun (VN), 8 words comprising preposition + noun (PN), 1 word comprising preposition + verb (PV), 2 word comprising noun + adjective (NA), 7 words comprising adjective + noun (AN), and 3 words comprising noun + verb (NV). Out of these, 88 compounds have heads, while 12 compounds are headless. The analysis revealed that Chbosky effectively condenses intricate ideas into concise and impactful expressions by combining words to form compound structures and confirmed the significance of compound words in enhancing literary pieces by conveying nuanced meanings and emotional depth through the consolidation of multiple ideas into a single, evocative word that resonates with readers</p> 2024-07-31T12:10:09+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE GRAMMATICAL ERRORS IN STUDENTS’ WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT ENGLISH EDUCATION PROGRAM ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF BATANGHARI 2024-08-13T02:08:07+00:00 Adang Ridwan Ria Karmila <p><em>The aim of this study was to grammatical errors in students’ writing descriptive text at second semester English Language Education at Universitas Islam Batanghari.</em> <em>This is a qualitative research, the research employing documentation to collect data and data analysis in this research was descriptive analysis.</em> <em>The result of the study showed that </em><em>the common types of </em><em>grammatical errors made by the students at second semester English Language Education at Islamic University of Batanghari were omission error occurs because student omits some important items that must appear in the sentence, addition error occurs because student gets failure to omit unimportant item in sentence, misformation error occurs because students use be and verb together in simple present sentence and misordering error occurs because students make the sentence has incorrect placement item and addition of preposition.</em><em> And the dominant </em><em>errors made by the students at second semester English Language Education at Islamic University of Batanghari </em><em>is </em><em>Omission error because from five 5 data itself consist of two topics of descriptive text students always make mistake in Omission error. It was possibly caused by carelessness of the students. The carelessness was often closely related to lack of motivation</em></p> 2024-08-13T02:08:07+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES WRITING TRAINING TO IMPROVE STUDENTS' PROFESSIONALISM IN PREPARING SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES AND PUBLICATIONS IN THE SINTA ACCREDITED NATIONAL JOURNAL 2024-09-02T08:01:59+00:00 Nadirah Dira Usman <h2><em>The point of this movement is to supply instruction to understudies almost logical articles and strategies for compiling logical articles, national diaries and licensed national diaries, give tips and traps in getting into distributions in SINTA authorize national diaries, move forward students' capacities incompose and distribute logical papers in licensed national diaries. The strategy utilized is the address strategy, where the fabric displayed is an clarification of logical work, methods for composing logical papers, logical diaries and distributions in SINTA certify national diaries, dialogs, where members are given the opportunity to examine the fabric displayed, the assignment of compiling logical papers by giving extraordinary help, checking and assessment of these exercises which are carried out intermittently. The comes about gotten from this action are expanded understudy information in terms of logical articles, the systematics of composing logical articles, and logical distribution strategies in SINTA-accredited national diaries as prove by the comes about of posttest scores, expanding the quality of logical articles created by understudies, which after holding this benefit program understudies are able to type in logical articles with direction from the group, expanding the amount of logical articles created by understudies, where there are as of now 20 understudy articles that have been submitted to the benefit group for audit and then given suggestions for distribution in one of the logical articles. The most conclusion from this benefit movement is that this action can give incredible benefits for understudies, to be specific by giving instruction almost logical articles and strategies for compiling logical articles, distribution methods in SINTA-accredited national diaries and spurring them to type in logical articles and distributions in SINTA-accredited national diaries</em></h2> 2024-09-02T08:01:59+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Role of Indonesian Language in Education: Building Character in the Millennial Era" 2024-09-02T13:55:26+00:00 Irfan Irfan <p style="text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN-ID">This article explores the challenges and efforts involved in the development of the Indonesian language within educational environments, particularly as a tool for shaping the character of the millennial generation. Education, as an official institution under the state's auspices, plays a crucial role in equipping individuals with the necessary skills to communicate effectively. However, in the current educational landscape, the use of Indonesian has diminished in quality, leading to concerns about its effectiveness as a medium of communication and character formation. This article discusses the importance of overcoming the fear of making mistakes, improving confidence in language use, and ensuring the correct application of Indonesian in both formal and informal educational settings. The aim is to revitalize the use of Indonesian language in education, thereby reinforcing its role in the holistic development of students and the preservation of the national identity.</span></p> 2024-07-20T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##