Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology is a scientific journal focusing on fisheries science and technology in Indonesia. It is published by the Fisheries Science Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Muhammadiyah University of Sidenreng Rappang. The journal is issued biannually, in April and October, serving as a medium to disseminate ideas and research findings from lecturers, researchers, and practitioners committed to advancing fisheries science and technology.

The Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology has implemented the Open Journal Systems (OJS) for publication processes; therefore, authors are required to register and submit manuscripts online.

Registration and login are mandatory for submitting manuscripts and their supplementary materials online, as well as for monitoring the status of submissions. The status of each manuscript can be tracked in real-time by authors, editors, and reviewers via OJS.

Manuscript Submission

The Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology processes all manuscripts through the Open Journal System (OJS). Authors are invited to submit manuscripts online, and submissions are accepted throughout the year. A submission acknowledgment letter will be sent to the author via email. The manuscript publication process can be monitored through OJS, which includes stages such as peer review, editorial review, and editing before being published online and in print.


Manuscript Guidelines:


  • Title: Written in two languages (Indonesian and English).
  • Author Information: Includes names, institutions, addresses, and emails of all authors.
  • Abstract: Written in two languages (Indonesian and English).
  • Main Text: Comprising Introduction (including Objectives), Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, and References.
  • Provide complete author biodata on a separate sheet, including full names, complete home and institutional addresses.


  • Manuscripts should be typed using MS Word 2010, 1.5 line spacing, with margins of 4 cm (left), 2 cm (top), 2 cm (bottom), and 2 cm (right), on A4 paper, font size 11, Ebrima. The manuscript length should be between 10–20 pages, including tables and figures.
  • The title should not exceed 14 words, reflecting the manuscript's content. Author names, affiliations, and addresses should be included as footnotes on the first page. Full addresses must be provided for correspondence purposes.
  • Abstract: Summarize the research in no more than 250 words with 4–5 keywords.
  • Introduction: Briefly describes the issues, objectives, and significance of the research.
  • Data and Methods: Clearly and concisely outline the research steps, including materials and equipment, to allow replication by other researchers.
  • Results and Discussion: Present research findings and compare them with scientific references (recent literature and studies).
  • Tables: Titles are placed above the table, and captions are below. Tables should be created using MS Excel, with horizontal lines at the top and bottom of the first row and the bottom-most row.
  • Figures: Schematics, flowcharts, and photographs should be numbered with Arabic numerals, and titles and captions are placed below. Figures must be in black and white, and graphs should be presented without gridlines.
  • Foreign terms or words should be italicized (Ebrima font).
  • Latin names of species should also be italicized (Ebrima font).
  • Decimal numbers should use a comma (,) as the separator, while thousands should be separated by a dot (.). Currency values must include the currency name, e.g., Rp 1.000 (for Rupiah), US$ 1.000 (for US Dollars).
  • Conclusion: Concisely presented, reflecting the manuscript's title, objectives, and research findings.
  • Acknowledgments: Address contributions from research teams, sponsors, institutions, or individuals supporting the research.
  • References: Must follow a numbering format ([1], [2], [3], etc.) and appear in numerical order in the reference list. Examples:
    1. Proceedings: Nelwan, A.F.P., St. A. Farhum, N. Mayazida. (2013). Productivity of Pole and Line Fishing Gear in Bau-Bau Waters, Southeast Sulawesi. Proceedings of the IX Annual Scientific Meeting ISOI 2012. Indonesian Oceanology Scholars Association. pp. 64–75.
    2. Journal: Kurnia, M., K. Iida, and T. Mukai. (2012). Characteristics of Three-Dimensional Target Strength of Swimbladdered Fish. Journal of Marine Acoustics Society Japan. Vol. 39(3): 93–102.
    3. Book: Sudirman and A. Mallawa. (2004). Fish Capture Techniques. Rieka Cipta Publishing. Jakarta. 168 pages.
    4. Dissertation: Zainuddin, M. (2006). Predicting Potential Habitat Hot Spots for Albacore Tuna and Migration Pattern for Albacore Tuna, Thunnus alalunga, in the Northwestern North Pacific Using Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS. Ph.D. Dissertation, Hokkaido University. 108 pages.
    5. Web resources: Include the link and access time: http://... (date accessed).

Unpublished sources are not acceptable except for theses and dissertations. At least 80% of references must be journal articles, and at least 80% should be recent (published within the last 10 years).

For more details, you can download the Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Writing Template.