Faktor Pemasakan dan Rasio Beras dengan Air Nasi Nutrizink pada Sifat Sensori, Tekstur, dan Derajat Putih (Whiteness Index)

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Muhammad Sudirman Akilie
Wahid SC
Anto Anto


The aim of this research was to know the interaction of cooking at cormorant and rice cooker, also the factor of ratio rice and water against physic and sensory of nutrizinc rice. Design in this research used factorial completely randomized design. The factors were cormorant and rice cooker. There were six treatments at cooking (P1 = Cormorant 200 gram of rice, water 200 ml , P2 = Cormorant 200 gram of rice, water 400 ml, P3 = Cormorant 200 gram of rice, water 600 ml, P4 = Rice Cooker 200 gram of rice, water 200 ml, P5= Rice Cooker 200 gram of rice, water 400 ml, P6= Rice Cooker 200 gram of rice, water 600 ml). The variabels that observed in this research were texture, colour and test of sensory. The result of this research showed that there was no interaction between cooking factors at cormorant and rice cooker, also the rice ratio and water on assessment of sensory such as level of likeness odour, taste and texture nutrizinc rice by testers. The factors of ratio rice and water 1 : 1, 1 : 2 and 1 : 3 significantly affected against tecture and level of whiteness nutrizinc rice, but it was no interaction between factors of cooking at cormorant and rice cooker, also the factors of rice ratio and water on grade of texture and level of whiteness nutrizinc rice.

Keyword : Nutrizinc rice, the factors of cooking, the factors of rice ratio and water


Tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada penelitian ini adalah mengetahui interaksi faktor pemasakan di dandang dan rice coocker serta faktor rasio beras dan air terhadap sifat fisik dan sensori nasi nutrizink. Rancangan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial (RAL Faktorial) yang terdiri dari 2 faktor yaitu dandang dan rice coocker sehingga menjadi 6 perlakuan (P1 = Dandang 200 gram  beras air 200 ml , P2 = Dandang200 gram beras air 400 ml, P3 = Dandang 200 gram beras air 600 ml, P4 = Rice Cooker 200 gram beras air 200 ml, P5= Rice Cooker 200 gram beras air 400 ml, P6= Rice Cooker 200 gram beras air 600 ml). Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah tekstur, warna dan uji organoleptik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat interaksi antara faktor pemasakan di dandang maupun di rice coocker serta faktor rasio beras dan air pada penilaian sensori tingkat kesukaan aroma, warna, rasa dan tekstur nasi nutrizink oleh panelis. Faktor rasio beras dan air 1 : 1, 1 : 2 dan 1 : 3 memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap takstur dan derjat keputihan nasi nutrizink tetapi tidak terdapat interaksi antara faktor pemasakan di dandang maupun di rice cooker serta faktor rasio beras dan air pada nilai tekstur dan derajat keputihan nasi  nutrizink.

Kata Kunci : Beras nutrizink, faktor pemasakan, faktor rasio beras dan air


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